Sunday, January 24, 2010

reflections on death and life

My French teacher's husband passed away today. I saw him Monday pick
her up from class. He came to have lunch with our class twice in the past two months. He was not old and seemed in good health. Death comes for all of us.

"death is the destiny of every man; the living should take this to heart." Ecc. 7:2

There is a line 'vanilla twilight' by Owl City that starts 'If I could reach back in time and whisper in your ear...'

We get the chance to 'reach back in time' for the rest of our lives. What would I whisper..
believe in Jesus. He loves you. He is your hope. Your life. Your all in all.

I can't stop crying about it. Not because of regret as much as hope. My heart cries out to Jesus. What a miserable world this must be for those who don't have Jesus.
When I try to think of what death might be like without Jesus all I can think of is... horrific, unimaginable, empty, hopeless, I see the endless darkness and loss without hope, without anything to grasp, without our comforter and renewer of life by our side.

I wept for him/her today. I can't imagine living in this world without
Jesus without hope of an afterlife and going on the whole rest of one's
life without the person that you love most. How could someone even go
on. They would share life together. He was kind and gentle. They
complimented each other's personalities. I would have liked to have
know him more.

Rest in peace Dominic P. I hope you are with Christ.

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