Friday, November 20, 2009

When does religous freedom turn into opression?

Religious oppression.

When there is seperation of church and state how big can the state get without shutting down the church because they can't have church influence in school or health care or camps or or or or or on and on because the state runs it.

Making nothing out of something to make everything does not make things better. It is not freedom. Taking away everyone's freedom does make equality. It makes everyone equally oppressed. No one is forced into a religion. Side one. But no one is allowed to have a religion either. Side two.

Why have we traded freedom for spiritual oppression? "No one can" is no more free than "everyone must".

Let us express ourselves. Let us have a camp that has the goal of winning over kids to Christ. Not forcing or pressuring but why is that not a good reason? We want to educate and influence kid in school for their whole lives. Why not in this one category?

Contempt and complaisance are our biggest enemies to the gospel in France

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