Saturday, February 7, 2009

Session 4: Personal ministry Profile

Find Your Place NorthStar Edition
Session 4: Personal Ministry Profile from

1. Temperament: Your Personality
- Colossians 3:12-14 - Tolerance - Bearing with each other, keep the peace.
- Reveals: Strengths
- Equips you for ministry:
Understand how you communicate in different group sizes.
Understand how other personalities work and balance with yours.
Helps you become balanced by knowing your weaknesses.

2. Natural Talents
- Colossians 3:15-17 - Thankfulness - God gave us our gifts and talents, we should return them to Him as an offering and for edification of the Body.
- Understanding how your natural talents equip you for ministry takes careful, prayerful brain-storming. To aid in the process, realize that sometimes natural talents overlap with spiritual gifts. Other times, God chooses to keep them separate.

3. Learned Skills
- Colossians 3:23-24-Everything we do is an opportunity for ministry
The tasks themselves are a witness.
Situations/conversations amidst the tasks.
- Vocational
On-the-job training.
- Hobbies

4. Life Experiences
Romans 8:28
God allows everything to happen that has happened
God uses everything that has happened in our lives for our good.
We all have a story.
Childhood experiences
Family background

5. What about you?

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