Hil & Dom breakfast with Linus & Sharron Morris:
-for ICCP, how do we reach more people than we’re losing?
(gradually build up the core of people staying)
-In MINISTRY, Linus and Sharron learned to set boundaries the hard way. Here are their examples:
*turn off phones at dinner
*email and make phone calls in one or two blocks of time a day, and that’s it- this allows you to have more emotional and relational time/creates space
*take days off
-In MINISTRY over the years, Linus & Sharron saw each other as a team…”we are in ministry together”
-view transient community as an opportunity- NOT a future loss…view it as if you are making a “deposit” into these people’s lives
-ask God to always make what I am doing “fresh”
-Linus talked for a bit about Corey Ten Boom (look her up...the movie “The Hiding Place” was made from her autobiography)
-God uses friction!!
When there is friction in someone’s life, it is a sign that it is the beginning of God trying to do something in their life. The person has probably been pushing it away for a while. If you don’t deal with it/lean into it, then it will just cycle back. The person is only delaying the inevitable and ultimately, making life harder on themselves.
-Linus talked about how Christians can be ”crazy making” – a person who is not self-reflective, open to learn and to be taught and hear the ‘hard stuff’ (truth) often starts feeling “crazy” when we talk with them because what we are pushing doesn’t fit into their life’s perspective.
With parenting, view the entire family as being in ministry- kids, too. Bring the kids into it, do not try and protect them and have them off to the side away from adults and ministry (struggles and pain are a part of life!)
*Ask “in 5 years from now, what do we want to see?”
1) Continue to look out, reach out, and draw people in
2) Build a strong community
3) Watch for who will potentially rise up into leadership positions to help sustain (mixed marriages, French people, long term stays)
-develop them so that they take responsibility for some part of the ministry
-have the perspective of “WHAT WILL OUTLIVE US? Continue on without us?”
4) Ask “How do you develop those people along the way (in both organic and linear ways)?”
-last step…those people mature into leadership
-----5 OLYMIC RINGS-----
1) Ministry Development: understand passions, spiritual gifts, etc.
2) strategic Development: having some goals and outcomes in view (steps)…from coaching use the
3) Character Development: the alignment of what we profess and project on the outside VS. what we have going on inside
-DO THE WORK, you’ve got yourself on your hands
-irritants (Hud keeps poking away at stuff we don’t even realize are issues)
4) Emotional Development (E.Q. not I.Q.)
-Ask “What is my intent?” and “What is my impact?”
5) Spiritual Development: being consistently connected with God- not mechanically either (being open to sensing His love, be out in nature, etc.)
-do not ignore your spiritual conscience, spiritually CHECK-IN, if it doesn’t feel right, then listen to that
*example: Linus having to apologize in front of a large group…a few years ago he was at a conference and he felt that he should not get up and talk, then was pushed into it by one of the other speakers and while he was speaking, seriously put his foot in his mouth and ended up making people really angry, so he had to come back later and apologize- if only he has listened to the initial inner nagging telling him to not get up and speak in front of that group)
-read “Spiritual Leadership” by Sanders
-Ask yourself what you need to KEEP doing,
Ask yourself what you need to STOP doing,
And ask what you need to START doing.
-USE post-its, everyone write down 3 expectations & then put them on the wall…go through them together
-key words for a team: collaborative, humility, graciousness
-read “The Search To Belong” by Myers, we need a combination of the following four spaces…
1) PUBLIC space (ex: a lot of people gathered at a football game)
2) SOCIAL sPACE (small talk, snippets of catch up, serve the city)
3) PERSONAL sPACE (small groups, Alpha course, asking “How did the Connect conference go? What were some highlights?” etc.)
4) INTIMATE space- only a few select people, there’s more safety
*PERSONAL space and INTIMATE space often get confused!!
-Create ‘social space’ before and after the Sunday service or whatever event the church is putting on (a lot of church offer a coffee hour before, or the option of have dinner together afterwards, etc.)
-with serve the city, have a musical concert at the end
-----SINGLE PEOPLE/Women in CA-----
-CA values women in ministry and leadership
(Melinda, Katharine, Ruth Craig, Deb Hirsh, Rita, etc.)
-Singles, let couples be couples & Couples, let singles be singles
-----Tying Shoe Laces VS. Stretching Rubber-Bands-----
-TYING shoe laces (connecting others together) VS. Stretching rubber-bands (when people need to step up and take responsibility: example of child care- “Ok, everyone with a child- both father and mother- need to help out once a month with our Kids Program- then they are getting stretched)
-At a team meeting, check-in with each other about who might have a situation where someone is glomming on/needy, etc. (where you feel trapped)
*Some counselors/churches have an “ONLY 3 MEETINGS” rule, only 3 sessions so you don’t get absorbed by just a few community members (needy, clingy, etc.)
-Constantly communicate your vision- keep it visible!! Vision leaks!
Every message should have an element or reminder of vision
Definition: Vision is a picture of a preferable future
-Why are we different? “we re-engage people”!
-we initiate, some people cannott handle it, they don’t know what to do with it, we’re on the offensive here…it’s a rare thing, most people just react/are defensive
-1 good purpose I wrote down that Linus said (he mentioned several): “equipping believers for effective ministry”
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