Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wasn’t it GK Chesterton who said something like, If anything is worth doing, it’s worth doing poorly?”

Friday, May 11, 2012

Ed Welch ADHD

FamilyLife.com My FamilyLife: Login Button Sign Up Button Find HelpHelp OthersEvents for CouplesArticlesAudioVideoStoreSignUp Button Mental or emotional issues Mental Anger Anxiety Asperger syndrome Attention deficit disorder Bipolar disorder Depression Grief Guilt Grieving a suicide Mid-life crisis Obsessive-compulsive disorder Rape recovery Suicide Behavioral Domestic abuse Help for the caregiver Physical Addiction Chronic fatigue The Heart of Change Can People Really Change? Counterfeit Hopes: Five Myths About Change Gospel of Change FamilyLife > Mental or emotional issues > Attention deficit disorder Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email Share on printfriendly More Sharing Services Ask a Mentor button Understanding and Helping Those with Attention Deficit Disorder Those who struggle with ADD are often discouraged and hopeless. By Edward T. Welch WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW People often cry when they read about Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), not because it’s so sad, but because they finally have words to describe their world. Learning about ADD helps them to understand why school was painful and why they didn’t quite fit the academic mold. It explains for them why they often feel both anger and shame, and think of themselves as losers, even if they are successful. And it gives them insight into why they sometimes drive those who love them crazy. Somehow just knowing that other people experience ADD is comforting—it’s always nice to know you are not alone. So if someone you love (your child, your spouse, your friend) struggles with ADD, the first way you can help is by taking the time to understand his or her world. At first glance it seems like a motley array of experiences: creative, forgetful, unreliable, easily distracted, impatient with the ordinary, quick to start projects but slow to finish them, highly focused on certain tasks, and highly distractible on others. It is a package that tests the limits of your patience. But study them. Look especially for strengths and weaknesses that are different rather than simply wrong. The official definition, from Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-IV (the manual listing and describing psychiatric diagnoses recognized by the American Psychiatric Association), highlights three behaviors: inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Technically, the term is ADHD (the H refers to hyperactivity). You can have ADD with hyperactivity and without it. The definitions aren’t precise, and there are no medical tests that can detect it, but some adults and children have more of these behaviors and some have less. (The complete definition of ADD from the DSM-IV is at the end of this article.) God’s perspective on ADD brings hope Those who struggle with ADD are often discouraged and hopeless. But isn’t it true that God doesn’t view any of us as a hopeless case? No matter what our physical or spiritual struggles are, God’s work is to make us more like Jesus, and nothing, other than our own stubborn hearts, can keep us from becoming what God has called us to be. So, the second way you can encourage someone with ADD is to share God’s perspective on his or her particular struggles. The basic idea is this: all of us have some limitations, but, by God’s grace, we are all able to grow in wisdom and in becoming more like Jesus. The Bible tells us that God made us spiritual and physical beings. Genesis 2:7 (ESV) tells us, “…then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living creature.” God is Spirit and we are created with a spirit. This means that at our core—in our spirits, our hearts, our souls—everything we do is related to God. We are connected to him; everything we do, say or think has to do with our relationship with God. In our hearts we are either living for God or against God. Do you live for yourself and your own reputation? Do you want more abilities so you can succeed in the eyes of the world? Do you grumble or complain? Are you quick to listen and take advice? All these questions reveal our commitment to ourselves, and the sins they expose are in all of us. The good news is that we can change, and the power to change is available to everyone. It comes not through new educational methods but through repentance, faith, and obedience. But God also made us physical beings. He does not call our bodies right or wrong; they are called strong or weak. By design they have limitations. When you are cruel to another person your behavior is spiritual. How well you walk, follow directions, and remember details are related to your physical strengths and weaknesses. Struggling in these areas does not mean you are sinning. They are simply the result of being creatures with imperfect bodies and brains. ADD is complicated. It includes behaviors that are expressions of our hearts (disobedience) and of our brains or bodies (attention abilities and the ability to link actions and consequences). Characteristics of ADD The person with ADD, just like everyone else, has both physical strengths and weaknesses. Physical strengths might include some of the following characteristics: a high energy level, unusual creativity, a willingness to take risks, and an outgoing personality. Physical weaknesses might include some of these struggles: a poor memory for the spoken or written word, difficulty sequencing behavior or devising steps to complete a task, difficulty establishing priorities, difficulty with sustained attention when tasks are not interesting, difficulty screening out irrelevant stimuli, difficulty judging the passage of time, difficulty knowing how to start a project, difficulty transitioning from one task to another, difficulty processing information when frustrated, and difficulty changing from one way of thinking to another. These are just some of the strengths and weaknesses you might discover. Every person is uniquely made in God’s image so there will always be more to learn. Understanding the physical strengths of ADD can help you encourage those with ADD. They are good at some things, and these are strengths they can build on. Understanding the physical weaknesses of ADD will help you deal more effectively with behaviors that might seem like personal affronts. For example, if your child isn’t listening to you, it’s possible that she doesn’t need discipline. She might need you to give her fewer and shorter directions and then follow up with her so she understands each step she needs to take. The spiritual challenges of ADD Now go deeper than physical strengths and weaknesses. The spiritual is our core, but it is often forgotten in discussions about ADD. This is true of every heart, whether it is easily distracted or completely focused. You can tell if a problem is spiritual or physical by asking, “Does this behavior break God’s law?” If a behavior goes against what the Bible says, then the problem is spiritual. Everyone is prone to certain kinds of sins, and those who fit the ADD description are no different. They often specialize in the same spiritual problems: Difficulty persevering when a task is complicated or boring (Proverbs 6:6-8; 12:11). Talking before listening (Proverbs 10:19; 18:13; 21:23; James 1:19). Not doing what they say they will (Ecclesiastes 5:1-7). Slow in learning from past experiences and from the wisdom of others (Proverbs 3:1-2; 12:15; 15:31; 19:20; 19:27). Slow in seeking advice (Proverbs 11:14; 15:22). Poor self-control (Proverbs 25:28; 29:11). Rashness and impulsivity—acting before thinking (Proverbs 21:5). Notice that all these problems are addressed in the wisdom books of the Bible, especially Proverbs. No one is born with wisdom. Wisdom comes from God, and He shares it with us in the Bible. We learn to be wise as we listen to God in the Bible, turn from our foolishness, delight in God’s forgiveness, seek His power to change, and then carefully consider our ways. Can you see the hope in prescribing a lifelong pursuit of biblical wisdom for those with ADD? Although they are naturally more active and less reflective, they can still become wise by studying these passages and asking the Spirit of God to apply them. Remember that God gives wisdom to those who ask with humble faith. James 1:5-6 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.” Hopeful, isn’t it? We often think of ADD as an unchangeable genetic destiny, but we can be confident that change is possible because God promises to give wisdom to those who seek it. WHAT YOU NEED TO DO Apply biblical wisdom. So how do you help someone with ADD grow in biblical wisdom? First, you need God’s wisdom for yourself. Pray and ask God to help you know where to start. Here are a few suggestions: Don’t try to address all the spiritual problems you see at the same time. Look at the list above and take one biblical principle and work with it intensively. Include yourself in your instruction. Everyone needs to grow in wisdom. Become an expert in the books of Proverbs and James. Emphasize encouragement and instruction more than punishment. Remember that all wisdom begins with a growing knowledge of God;So be sure to simply talk about who God is and what he has shown us about himself Practical strategies At the same time you are teaching biblical wisdom, you also need to teach practical strategies for coping with the physical weakness of ADD. These strategies are especially written for those who are parenting a child with ADD, but they can be modified and applied to an adult. Begin by focusing on what he or she does best. Be their biggest cheerleader! Offer instruction in a way that is concrete. Make it vivid, visual, and memorable. For example, instead of “stop being so distracted,” you could say “do four math problems.” Provide structure. Structure refers to boundaries, guidelines, reminders and limits. It is a fence that contains and directs. Some children with ADD have a style of thinking that is chaotic and disorganized. Structure helps them by imposing external controls. Have clear, simple, predictable, and written household rules. Anticipate and work to head off problems instead of always reacting to them. If a difficult situation cannot be avoided, prepare the child to face it with prayer and practice. After the difficult time is over (homework, chores), give your child feedback so he can see his progress. Use “to do” lists and establish reasonable deadlines. Have your child do the hard task before the easy one. Make exercise a priority. Speak the truth in love to your child. Share with him when he is monopolizing a conversation; help him prioritize his day; and give him feedback on his creative ideas. Now settle in for the long haul. Change doesn’t come quickly for any of us and you will need divine patience as you work with someone who fits the description of ADD. But don’t forget, it is God who does the work of change. (Philippians1:6) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What about medical treatments? I would say to try medication last. That doesn’t mean it is wrong; it simply means that most of us would prefer life without medication. Medication might help some children in dramatic ways; it might have no apparent effect in others. Before considering medication, a physical exam should be schedule. Some medical problems have the same symptoms as ADD. Also, especially if you are considering medication for your child, consult with an educator or someone familiar with learning differences. Learning disabilities can also cause restlessness in school. What do we know about the stimulant drugs used with ADD? They have been around a long time and are relatively safe. Other drugs, such as anti-depressants, have only recently been prescribed for ADD and their effects are not as well known. All medications have side effects and should only be given under the care of a doctor who will monitor the patient. Diet changes and nutritional supplements have less noticeable impact on ADD symptoms but there are no side effects to most of them. Before you try medication, do your homework. Delivered from Distraction, by Edward M. Hallowell and John J. Ratey, has some helpful resources listed at the end of the book. If you choose medical treatment, don’t neglect spiritual nurture. No matter how profound the physical weaknesses of ADD are, they cannot keep you (or your child) from growing in the knowledge of Christ and learning wisdom. These are the foundations for life. Can you explain what “working on one biblical principle” might look like practically when parenting an ADD child? We are prone to give too much information. Add your personal frustrations to this parental tendency and you end up saying so much that your ADD child tunes you out. With this in mind, be strategic. Say less. Say it creatively. Enlist the child’s participation. And make it as fun as possible. Let’s say you choose to work on listening. Make that even more specific, such as paying attention when engrossed in another task. When we are focused on something enjoyable, like a video game, we don’t hear what is being said around us. Furthermore, if we did hear another person we wouldn’t want to listen because they are interfering with what we want to do. In other words, listening doesn’t come naturally. Specify the problem: “When you are ______ you have a hard time listening.” Include yourself: “We all have difficulties listening when it disrupts our fun. Listening is hard, but when it interferes with what we want it is really hard.” Make it God-ward: “When we don’t listen, it might be that we didn’t hear. We will help you with that by saying things clearly, making sure you are looking at us when we speak, and asking you to repeat what you heard. But sometimes you do hear, and you simply don’t want to listen. That is our hearts talking: we want to do what we want to do, and we don’t want to hear even God at those times. When that happens we will confess it to God and pray for God’s Spirit to keep changing us.” Find a verse that the child believes is relevant: Scour Proverbs and James for one that you can memorize and brainstorm on its many applications. Official definition of ADD from the Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-IV Inattention often makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other activities often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace (not due to oppositional behavior or failure to understand instructions) often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort (such as schoolwork or homework) often loses things necessary for tasks or activities (e.g., toys, school assignments, pencils, books, or tools) is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli is often forgetful in daily activities Hyperactivity often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat often leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in which remaining seated is expected often runs about or climbs excessively in situations in which it is inappropriate (in adolescents or adults, may be limited to subjective feelings of restlessness) often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly is often “on the go” or often acts as if “driven by a motor” often talks excessively Impulsivity often blurts out answers before questions have been completed often has difficulty awaiting turn often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conversations or games) -------------------------------------------- © Copyright 2010 by the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation. All rights reserved. Used by permission. For more help on attention deficit disorder, read Edward T. Welch's book, Blame It On the Brain, and his minibook, A.D.D.:Wandering MInds and Wired Bodies., from New Growth Press. More information about the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation is available at its website. To look at all available CCEF resources, visit New Growth Press. Edward T. Welch, M.Div., Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist and faculty member at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF). He has counseled for over twenty-five years and has written many books, including When People Are Big and God Is Small; Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave; Blame It on the Brain?; Depression: A Stubborn Darkness; Crossroads: A Step-by-Step Guide Away from Addiction; Running Scared: Fear, Worry, and the God of Rest; and When I Am Afraid: A Step-by-Step Guide Away from Fear and Anxiety; and the minibooks Bipolar Disorder; Eating Disorders; and Living with an Angry Spouse.. Passport2Purity Articles | Audio | Donations | Events | Shop | Video | Global ministry | Orphans ministry | Ministry Marriages | Small group studies | Be a HomeBuilder | About us | Contact us | Staff opportunities | MyFamilyLife © Copyright 2012 FamilyLife. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, January 27, 2012

NA narcotics ananymous working guide



Wednesday, December 28, 2011


2011 New Inning Foundation USA Cricket Awards: The Bart King Award for Lifetime Achievement in American Cricket - Alfred Reeves
by DreamCricket USA
Dec 21, 2011

Now, you can get all the USA Cricket updates via Facebook. Also follow us on Twitter via @dreamcricket

By Peter Della Penna

DreamCricket.com is wrapping up the year in United States Cricket by recognizing USA’s standout performers at the international level. For the first time, DreamCricket.com is also taking an opportunity to commend individuals off the field who have made an outstanding contribution to the overall fabric of the cricket community in America. The recipient of the 2011 Bart King Award for Lifetime Achievement in American Cricket is Alfred Reeves. The award is presented by the New Inning Foundation.

As the President of the British Officers’ Cricket Club and vice-president of the C.C. Morris Library Association, J. Alfred Reeves has played a vital role in preserving US cricket’s longstanding ties to the Philadelphia area. He is a co-founder of the Philadelphia International Cricket Festival, a highly respected cricket tournament for both its competitive and social nature that will be entering its 20th year in 2012.

Image (right) - Alfred Reeves (pictured left) [Courtesy: Craig Joss]

Most recently, Reeves was instrumental in helping to bring to fruition “Swinging Away: How Baseball & Cricket Connect.” The exhibit showcased the two sports side by side at the MCC Museum at Lord’s in London for eight months in 2010 before arriving at the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum in Cooperstown, N.Y., in April where it is scheduled to run until March of 2012.

Reeves arrived to the United States in the late 1970s having spent most of his life working and living in Yorkshire. In 1985, Reeves helped resurrect the British Officers’ Cricket Club, which had disbanded at the start of World War II. The club plays in the Garden State Cricket League in the Atlantic Region.

Reeves' efforts to revive and build on cricket traditions in America saw him receive special recognition from Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, in September of 2002. Reeves received a piece of Waterford crystal from the Duke with the engraved message, “Alfred Reeves – With gratitude, and in recognition of your services to Commonwealth cricket in the United States of America. Presented by the Duke of York.”

The 86-year-old Reeves served in the British Army during World War II and has been married to his wife Betty for 56 years. Craig Joss, one of the co-founders of the Philadelphia International Cricket Festival who is a former member of the British Officers’ Cricket Club and currently a member of Merion Cricket Club in Philadelphia, offers some reflections on Reeves:

Alfred has been a role model, a mentor and most importantly a friend to me. Alfred has always conducted himself with dignity and humility. He embodies the spirit of cricket. He always played to win but held the virtues of the game above all else. I remember Alfred on the field rejoining, “First the game, then the team, then the player.”

Alfred has held many important offices and has comported himself admirably in all of his assigned tasks. However it is not his rank or position that defines Alfred, rather it is his humanity. Through the British Officers’ Cricket Club, Alfred fostered a place where literally hundreds of people (including myself) were welcomed, discovered camaraderie and immediately became part of an extended cricket family. Recent arrivals to the area were provided with a network of friends and teammates. Over the holidays, everyone was invited to Alfred and Betty’s house for the “Reeves Revels” – food and festivities that on occasion, resembled a holiday pantomime.

Alfred’s vision and dedication has spawned many cricket initiatives in the Philadelphia area. Alfred and the British Officers’ Cricket Club were founding members of the Philadelphia International Cricket Festival. This charity sporting event, now in its 20th year, has welcomed teams from across the United States and world to the Philadelphia region. In 2012 over 200 cricketers are expected to partake in the event from 16 different nationalities.

Image (right) - Alfred Reeves stands as an umpire at a match in Philadelphia. [Courtesy: Craig Joss]

In 2008, largely through Alfred’s efforts, former West Indian Test cricketer Deryck Murray, was able to arrange for a representative Under-19 team from Trinidad & Tobago to attend the Cricket Festival. These youngsters went on to win the event in a closely contested final against a very competitive cricket team from Canada. This provided a life experience for all of the young players and their family members who participated in the event. Alfred on many occasions has also served as ambassador for the Festival accompanying cricketing greats such as: Sir Richard Hadlee, Sir Garfield Sobers, Fred Trueman, Derek Underwood and others during their visits to the United States.

Alfred has volunteered extensively on many committees. He has been a member of, and served on the board of, the C.C. Morris Cricket Library for over 20 years. The C. Christopher Morris Cricket Library and Collection is the largest collection of cricket literature and memorabilia in the western hemisphere. The library includes over a thousand volumes and a very large collection of related printed and photographic materials and related items of cricket history. Housed at Haverford College, the Library has offered the public access to the rich American cricketing heritage for the past 40 years.

Most recently through the Library, Alfred was instrumental in organizing an international exhibit, “Swinging Away: How Cricket & Baseball Connect.” Memorabilia from the C.C. Morris Library was a large part of the exhibit that showed in London at Lord’s and then later in Cooperstown at the Baseball Hall of Fame. Again through the Library, Alfred has been an avid supporter of the United States Youth Cricket Association (USYCA). This non-profit organization founded by Jamie Harrison had, as of August 2011, donated 684 cricket sets to schools in the United States. Because of the USYCA Schools Program, cricket will be played this fall by hundreds of thousands of American schoolchildren.

Alfred has always been generous with his time. Often, he and I will meet early on Saturday mornings for breakfast at the 401 Diner in Conshohocken. Always on time, Alfred arrives with his handwritten checklist of notes to make sure that none of the important cricketing topics are omitted. His insights are always invaluable. His comments are always sincere. And most importantly, he still has that mischievous sparkle in his eyes as he recounts cricketing highlights like the time he took nine wickets in a cricket match in England and then reflects, “Bloody hell, I should have bowled them all out!”

Bart King, America’s greatest cricketer, achieved many of his greatest feats while playing in Philadelphia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In 1908, Bart King led the first class bowling averages in England. Donald Bradman called him "America's greatest cricketing son."

It is only fitting that the first recipient of the Bart King Award for Lifetime Achievement in American Cricket is Alfred Reeves, a man who was done so much in Philadelphia and beyond to sustain the rich tradition and history of cricket in the United States.

In recognition of his contributions to the American cricket community, Reeves will receive a plaque as well as a $250 gift certificate sponsored by the New Inning Foundation and DreamCricket.com.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

from article

Wretched man or woman that I (barely) am! Who will deliver me from this debilitating anxiety about my standing before others?

Monday, June 6, 2011

resource for DBT mindfulness


Scriptural coloration- http://dbtinformation.org/htm/i2/christianDBT.html


Peacemaker Center article

Live life to the fullest!

Do you often wonder how to bridge the gap between what your head knows is true and what your heart feels? We are told by Paul in 2 Corinthians 10:5 “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” DBT provides tools that help us take every thought captive and to stop being a slave to sin.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) was begun by Marsha M. Linehan in the early 1990’s. This therapy is beneficial for many counseling situations. DBT skills and tools can assist those who suffer with PTSD and other traumas; mental health and/or human growth issues. DBT combines cognitive and behavioral therapies. DBT can be taught in individual therapy, in a group or both. It was not developed as a Christian form of therapy yet can be adapted to help those who choose to believe in God.

DBT focuses on helping people modify their ways of thinking and behaving. The word “dialectical” simply means that two things can be true at the same time—for the Christian this means that we own our own sinfulness yet at the same time accept Christ’s death on the cross as payment for our sins and the gift of Christ’s righteousness in place of our own sinfulness. Romans 7: 15 speaks to the battle that goes on in each person. “For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” For many people this leads to self condemnation and destructive coping mechanisms instead of living out of Romans 8:1 which says Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.” Knowing God’s love for us helps to heal past wounds and change destructive behaviors patterns of communication that often hurt relationships.

Live mindfully. There are several components of living in the present or mindfully. One way is to notice your senses to reflect on your present condition. What do you see, hear, smell, taste as you sit quietly and breathe deeply? Another way is to take time to consider what you are feeling “in the moment” and then look at where the feeling is coming from. Look at your present feelings and thoughts in light of what you know to be true in God’s Word. Filter any thoughts or actions through Scripture and adjust them. Allowing ourselves to be present brings us into an awareness who we are in Christ. “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has

called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” Philippians 3:13-14. God’s mercies are new every day.

The Interpersonal Effectiveness module is useful in several situations. It teaches ways to get what you want from your life’s situation. One of the many tools in this module is DEAR MAN. This is an acronym for D – describe situation, E – Express feelings or opinions, A – Assert, R – reinforce. M – be mindful, A – appear confident, N – negotiate. When one learns to use these skills in daily life, life is richer, one succeeds in getting wants met and relationships with self and others improve drastically.

Emotion Regulation module goals include: understanding the emotions you experience; reducing emotional vulnerability; and decreasing emotional suffering. A skill to practice in this module is “PLEASE MASTER”. This acronym shows one how to reduce one’s vulnerability to difficult emotions. Requirements include: Treat Physical illness, Balance eating, Avoid mood-Altering drugs, Balance Sleep, Get Exercise and Build Mastery. When one practices and incorporates these skills, life is less painful and happiness grows.

The Distress Tolerance Module guides one to practice skills for tolerating painful events and emotions when you cannot make things better right away. This module includes three ways to moderate distress: Distract, Look to Scripture for Wisdom, Self-soothe the five senses to improve the moment. The Improve the Moment skills include the following: imagery, meaning, prayer, relaxation, one thing at a time, vacation, and encouragement. People often feel the distress of the past in the present as real as it occurred the first time. Building distress tolerance helps allow time to heal from the past and apply what the Bible says about life in the present. This skill is especially important for anyone who is plagued with negative thoughts or of self harm.

The tools provided through DBT help people find peace with God, themselves and others. Do you need help to live this kind of life?

Contact me for individual and/or group DBT at:
or call 610-386-2149

Ruthanne Croley, IHM, MA, NCC
The Peacemaker Center
103 Garris Road
Downingtown, PA

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dreams of being famous and rich- anonymous and poor are the outcasts

Every night she posts a new video of her singing onto her myspace page. To her, fame is everything. “Now days, being anonymous is worse than being poor. Fame is the most important thing in our culture now.” Rachael sums up the attitude of our culture so well. Everyone wants to be famous. It doesn’t matter what for. And with youtube and facebook and twitter and everything else, it’s easier and easier to achieve that. But is that where we find fulfillment?

How is it that we can only look at this quote and think about the new found prevalence of being know. We have always wanted to be know incidentally and there have been many movies about how bad it is to be anonymous. But it is almost like saying that we would like to go back to the "good old days" when poor people were the lowest rung in our society.
The life boat now kicks out a new person, the anonymous surely in addition to the poor. The humble and those who do not self promote get left behind. We've got to have the most comments on our facebook updates, the most views or at least the right views on our youtube videos. Texts in the right amount.

And now that things are all out there we can see everything that we were not at or invited to. O, three of my friends just had "the best night with their best friends". Awesome for you. Not. Sucks for me. It makes us feel "out". What does it mean to be in? Accepted? To belong?